Thursday, December 2, 2010


To learn a new language it may be vert difficult. To do so, I would most likely use Rosetta Stone as a tool. I have heard that this works very well, so this would probably be my first option. However, if this is not possible,then I would ask for help from the natives, and I would listen to them speak the langueage to get a better idea for myself. I would eventually grasp the language and become fluent in speaking it, though I may have an accent. I believe that if you are around something long enough you will soon begin to learn and develop traits feo. Whateveryou are around. For instance, if you live in an ethnic neighborhood, such as Inglewood, California, you will likely begin talking like they do, with their slang, their lingo, and possibly their accent. I would use this assimilation to my advantage to learn how to speak a strange, new, difficult language in a new country. However, this tactic may, possibly, change me. It is possible that, if I do this, I will begin to walk, talk, behave, and act te same way as the natives, which may or may. It be similar to how I do things. This is why Rosetta Stone would be beneficial.  

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