Wednesday, December 1, 2010


If I had to figure a way to celebrate my bestfriend's birthday, there would be a lot of options: skating, bowling, mall, iceskating, and going out to eat are all options. However, I would probably throw them a party. Parties are almost always fun, and they do not need to be expensive. The party would, though, as the young people like to say, have to be, "Turnt up!" It would have to consist of food, music, and people. The food would have to be cheap, but still satisfactory, such as chips, hot wings, and punch. The music would, as the young folk also like to say, have to be "Poppin'!" There would be no jerking music; no pindropping allowed! Also, he DJ must be under the age of 32. His would prevent any Will Smith from getting played; no getting "Jiggy with it" that night. Finally, as far as the music, it must be heard. Therefore, sufficent speakers are a necessity. As for the people, no gangbanging allowed! Healthy, safe fun. Also, no, as the teenagers also like to say, "doo doo's, ratchets or hoochie mamas." men and women are to be are to be presentable and approachable. This would make for a fun, memorable birthday.

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