Friday, October 8, 2010

Persuasive Essay: Good Habits

Do you have problems getting things done? Do you feel that you 
procrastinate too often? This is a very large issue, especially for 
teenagers my age. However, there is a possible solution to this problem.

School is very important for our youth. However, a lot of our youth 
does not realize this. Therefore, their parents and teahers are the 
ones pushing them to get as good of an education as possible. With the 
parents and teachers thinking this way, they are disappointed when you 
do not do as well as they know you can do. For a lot if teenagers, 
what their parents think about them is a big deal. Therefore, if they 
are disappointed in them, this can cause minor or serious emotional 

Most people do something that they want to do rather than what they 
are supposed to do when they are procrastinating. You may be playing 
video games
, listening to music, or talking on the phone when you are 
supposed to be doing your homework. This could result in bad grades in 

  My proposal is that you do what I do. When I have something 
important to do but I want to do something else, I do what I need to 
do, and I use what I want to do as a motive to make sure that what I 
need to do gets done. For example, if I really want to play video 
games, but I know that I need to wash the dishes, I would wash the 
dishes, all the while thinking about the video games. I would 
constantly remind myself, "All you need to do is finish, then you 
could play yor video games." Saying this pushes me to get the dishes 

Having something or someone pushing you to do what is important for 
you to do can be very beneficial. This can help people to get their 
school work done. Getting school work done will help you to get better 
grades. Better grades will help boost both your self-esteem and your 
parents faith in your skills. This will help your emotional health to 
either become better or stay on the sufficient level that it is at. 
Hopefully, you will use this technique to better your health.


  1. Suggestions:
    Overall, good essay. Though, for the title try not to put 'persuasive essay', just 'good habits.'
    'Most people do something that they want to do rather than what they
    are supposed to do when they are procrastinating.' I suggest rephrasing this another way because to me, as the reader, it seems to wordy, which will cause confusion.
    Regarding the use of "I", you can use it, but really it seems more of opinion than fact.

  2. It's a good essay, however I suggest putting a thesis in your intrduction. You really didn't have one and left me wondering you were talking about.

  3. Thank you sir.From your essay. I got an idea to write one of my persuasive essay in school.On one of my good habit.And it was the best essay in my class.And my teacher appreciated to me.All credit goes to you .Really Sir .Once again.THANK YOU SO MUCH.

  4. Thanku you much . I got amazing idea about persuasive essay. This really helped me in School and exams .THANKS

  5. Super sir.This is very useful for me .Thankyou very much.

  6. Is this all about starting a good habit
