Imagine that you have very strict parents. Your parents very seldom let you get out of the house for anything other than school. You decided to ask them if you could go to a local party with your friends, although you do not expect them to approve. To your disbelief, your parents allow you to attend the function. You are very shocked, but extremely excited. You walk to the store on your way home from school, and buy yourself some new clothes to wear to the event. Your friends are just as excited and shocked as you are that you get to go. However, while you are at school, someone tells you that the party was supposed to be visited by local gang members. These gang members are notorious for causing trouble at parties. The gang members also are known for shooting random people with the firearms. What do you do?
This is a case where you and your friends need to find something else to do. You all need to change yourplans. This is because, although you do not get to go out often, this one night of fun is not worth your life, nor is it worth the lives of your dear friends. One solution to this issue is to ask your parents if you can do something else, such as all of you go to your friend's house, or you all go to the mall. Hopefully, one of these solutions will help you if this situation occurs.
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